Iwanna & Roc (6th level) – This mad dog barbarian was tested without character traits. As you can see, the build has plenty of money for wands. Ant Haul & Enlarge Person worked well turning the Roc into a mounted flyer for scouting and attacking. The Roc & Barbarian were a great tandem flanking. The Roc could not be hit with his 27 AC.
Without the Optimistic Gambler Traits, it was hard to take advantage of Superstition in anticipation of a mental attack when comforted with a Harpy. Harpy’s start singing before you even see them and you are left rolling a will save. However, Veil of Positive Energy can be a life saver. It last for 10 minutes, so cast it when you are about to go into an undead den. Also, Protection from Evil is a great way to get your Roc a second chance at a save should he fail.
Mad Dog Barbarian Build (Iwanna)
Starting Stats (25 point Build): Str(19), Dex(14), Con(14), Int(10), Wis(10), Chr(14), AC (22), CMD(22), CMB(10), Ref (+4), Fort (+7), Will (+4), HP (56), Superstition (+5), 10 rounds of rage.
Longsword Attack:+11/+6 (1d8+5) (-2,+4 Power Attack) (+1d6 Precise Strike) (+4 flanking) (+2/+2 Raging)
Longbow Attack: +9/+4 (1d8+5)
Feats / Traits / Mad Dog Class Abilities / Rage Power Progression: 1) War Beast (MDA), Power Attack, Eye For Talent (+2 Con for Roc), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device) (FS); 2) Pack Tactics (MDA), 3) Combat Reflexes; 4) Rage (MDA), Superstitious (+5); 5) Ferocious Fetch (MDA), Precise Strike
Skills(24points): UMD (6), Perception (3), Handle Animal (5), Acrobatics (6), Ride (1), Acrobatics (3). Add 3 + Ability Mod. Add addition +3 for UMD.
Barbarian Equipment (5.5K): Whip Training (5g), +1 Longsword (2K), Longbow Composite (+4) (150g), +1 Mithril Breast Plate (Agile) (2.4K), +1 Heavy Shield (1K), Ring of Feather fall (2.2K)
Wands (1.5K): Enlarge Person (10), Lead Blade (10), Cure Light (30), Veil of Positive Energy (10) (+2AC & saves v. undead 10 minutes), Protection v. Evil (10) (+2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves), Air Bubble (5), Expeditious Retreat (10), Remove Sickness (5) (+4 v. disease, sickness, nausea or suppress effect), Ant Haul (10)
Animal Companion (Roc)
Starting Stats (25 point Build): Str(14), Dex(21), Con(13), Int(3), Wis(13), Chr(11), AC (27), CMD(21), CMB(7), Ref (+9), Fort (+7), Will (+3), HP (36)
Attack: 2 talons +9 (1d4 +2) and bite +9 (1d6 +2)
Animal Companion (Roc) Feat / Abilities Progression: 1) Fly 80ft, Ground Movement 20ft, Lowlight Vision, Link, Share Spell, Feat (Weapon Finesse); 2) Feat (Power Attack); 3) Evasion, NA +2, Str/Dex Bonus (+1); 4) Ability Score Increase (+1 Intelligence); 5) Feat (Precise Strike); 6) Devotion (+4 v. Enchantments), NA +4, Str/Dex Bonus (+2);
Skills: Fly (2), Perception (1), Stealth (1), Swim(1), Acrobatic (1) Tricks: (Combat Trained Tricks)
Roc’s Equipment (6K): +1 Mithral Chainshirt (2K), +2 Belt of Constitution (4K), Strap in Saddle