Mad Dog Barbarian Guide

Section 1: Flanking/ Raging/ Spell Linked Buddies

As with most all optimization build, the base class should scream to the player a straight forward way for it to be optimized; the Mad Dog Barbarian is no different.

  • From an initial glance at the character class, it is clear that the barbarian is given an animal companion to flank with since War Beast and Pack Tactics are provided upfront.
  • Furthermore, it is pretty obvious that Ferocious Beast and Greater Ferocious Beast should be a part of the build given that these new rage powers are powerful and were published with the Mad Dog Barbarian in the Animal Archive.
  • Finally, a slightly charismatic build is called for given the need for the barbarian to use the Handle Animal skill for his companion and the Use Magic Device skill for the Share Spell ability with his companion.

What Initial Straight Forward Feats to Take? Accordingly, one should be thinking teamwork feats that work with flanking (Outflank, Precise Strike and Broken Wings Gambit). Unfortunately, Outflank does not stack with Pack Tactics. Therefore, we are left with Precise Strike and Broken Wings Gambit. Of course, you would not take feats that go naturally with the build if the feats were not good feats. These two, however, happen to be great feats. Precise Strike’s prerequisite is only BAB +1, so we can and will take this early. Broken Wings Gambit requires Combat Reflexes, Bluff 5 and a 13 Dex.

Okay, great so far, until you realize that animal companions can only take certain feats. Ah, but there is an exception to the rule. If the companion’s intelligence is 3 or higher, they can take any feat they like provided they meet the prerequisites and are physically capable of performing the feat. Accordingly, Precise Strike and Broken Wings Gambit can only be taken by the companion at or after level 3 when we are sure to increase the animal companion’s Intelligence to 3. It also makes no sense to the Barbarian to take these Teamwork feats until around the time the companion takes them.

So what should they take before level 3? Power attack is a barbarian staple, so it’s a no-brainer for the barbarian. Given the bonus to attack that the animal companion will gain from flanking (+4 with Pack Tactics) it is also a no-brainer for the companion. However, some animal companions have very strong Natural Attacks which, therefore, make Improved Natural Weapon a stronger option than Power Attack.

Given that the Mad Dog only receive half the number of rage powers of a normal barbarian, the Extra Rage Power feat will be this build’s friend.

The Improved Share Spell feat is great as a two for one when casting spells with wands onto yourself and animal companion.  For instance, one cast could give both you and your companion lead blade or enlarge person both of you.  You have to have 10 ranks in Spellcraft, so this is a 10th level or later feat.

Other feats that should be considered for the animal companion depend on the animal companion selected and the campaign you are in. As for the campaign part, consider Eldritch Claws if you are going to be in an adventure fighting creatures with silver and/or magic damage reduction on a regular basis.

As for Rage Powers, Ferocious Beast and Greater Ferocious Beast make since once you have enough rage rounds to share with the companion to allow him to rage as well. Greater Ferocious Beast only makes sense if the barbarian has gained the type of rage powers that can be shared. Superstitious, Witch Hunter and Ghost Rager are natural and powerful fits. Come and Get Me is good if you have taken the Dazing Strike feat.

As for the Barbarian’s Skills, other than the ones discussed, Handle Animal and Use Magic Device (“UMD“) are obvious. You will have to handle your companion (especially before his Intelligence is raised to 3). Also your link ability with your animal companion will go to waste if you have no way to cast spells. Last, both of these skills are based on Charisma giving the build some synergy.

As for Campaign Traits, perfect fits are Dangerously Curious for UMD and Optimistic Gambler (if your human) to help you with your rage rounds once you finally get Rage at fourth level.

As for the Archetype, Urban Barbarians are great because, unlike standard barbarians, these Urban Barbarians can still take advantage of Use Magic Device while raging.

As for your Race, just about any race can successfully be a Mad Dog Barbarian.

  • Human is probably the best selection because they can get the Optimistic Gambler trait, have a bonus feat and have access to Eye for Talent and Huntermaster (for small cats, dogs and horses for companions). Also, humans can select the Focused Study Trait to replace the Skilled Trait, which will allow for early level competency in Use Magic Device through skill focus.

Look at that, the initial 8 levels of the build are right there in front of us with little or no real effort.

  • Barbarian: Dangerously Curious, Optimistic Gambler, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, minimum Dex 13, Precise Strike (3rd level), Broken Wings Gambit, Bluff (5) in time for Broken Wings Gambit, Superstitious, Witch Hunter, Ghost Rager, Ferocious Beast and Greater Ferocious Beast.
  • Companion: Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, minimum Dex 13, Intelligence Increase to 3 at 3rd level, Precise Strike (3rd level), Broken Wings Gambit, Bluff (5) in time for Broken Wings Gambit and maybe Eldritch Claws.

Animal Companion Selection is next on our plate. There are a number of great selections for animal companions. I personally love the Roc. I will list the Roc along with some of my other favorites and list suggested feats to add to the ones mentioned above. Without further ado, my suggestions are as follows:

1. Roc (Can play from 1st to 20th) – 3 Attacks, Great AC, Flight, Flying Mount at 7th or even before 7th with Enlarge Person and Ant Haul wands. I suggest Weapon Finesse feat when Roc is medium and switch out Weapon Finesse for Combat Reflexes at 7th just in time to get Broken Wings Gambit. Flyby Attack works great with a Lance user or with any melee attack for that matter. Toughness to make up for the lack of Constitution. Improved Natural Weapons make for a good choice as well.

2. Ankylosaurus (Can play from 7th to 20th) – Reach at 7th, Stun, Great AC, Scent, Lowlight. I suggest Ability Focus (Stun). The tail stun can be nasty along with Broken Wings Gambit. The beast will need an ability score increase in Dexterity to get Broken Wings Gambit. Other tail focused feats work as well (Improve Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus, Vital Strike line of feats.

3. Spinosaurus (Can play from 1st to 20th) – 3 Good Attacks, Great Con & Str, Decent AC, Reach at 7th, Swim Speed. I suggest Improved Weapon (Bite) around 7th level to make bite 2d6 after 7th level. Improved Weapon (Claws) is a good idea as well. Some stickler GMs may question whether the beast can serve as a mount, however. I say ride on his neck.

4. Megalania (Best played After 7th) – Low-light Vision, Scent, Swim Speed, Good Bite with Strong Poison DC (after 7th), Grab. Mad Dog Barbarian who dip into a class that gives them poison use will have an unending source of poisonous saliva. As for feats to take, Ability Focus (poison), Improve Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus, Vital Strike line.

5. Wolf (Can play from 1st to 20th) – Speed 50, Good Bite, Good Trip, Lowlight, Scent. As for feats to take, Improve Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus, Vital Strike. Tripping works well with Flanking, Combat Reflexes and Broken Wings Gambit The wolf is an oldie but goodie.

6. Small Cat (1st to 20th) – 3 Modest Attacks, Lowlight, Scent, Sprint, Trip, Speed 50. Some people like the fact that its size is maxed at medium, thus avoiding having to squeeze in certain parts of dungeons. As for feats to take, Improved Natural Weapon in later levels. Qualifies for Huntmaster feat.

7. Big Cat (1st to 20th) – 3 good attacks, rack, pounce at 7th, lowlight vision, grab. As for feats to take, Light Armor Proficiency to where Rhino Hide without taking -2 to attacks and Improved Natural Weapon in later levels.

8. Deinonychus / Velociraptor (Can play from 1st to 20th) – Speed 50, 3 Decent Attacks 1st- 6th, 5 Good Attack 7th-20th, Pounce at 7th, Lowlight, Scent. Some people like the fact that its size is maxed at medium, thus avoiding having to squeeze in certain parts of dungeons. As for feats to take, Light Armor Proficiency to where Rhino Hide without taking -2 to attacks and Improved Natural Weapon in later levels.

9. Ape (Can play from 3rd to 20th) – HANDS, Climb Speed, Decent Claw and Bite attacks, Reach at 7th. Once the Ape gets an Int of 3 he can take weapon proficiency with the Greatsword. At 7th, he can use a large Greatsword. If you are playing with a GM that won’t allow you to do this (even though it is legal), then don’t play an Ape.

10. Mastedon (Can play from 1st to 20th) – 40 Speed; Reach at 7th; Great Gore, Slam and Trample; Lowlight and Scent; Good AC. As for feats to take, Improved Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus, Vital Strike.

11. Stegosaurus (Can play from 1st to 20th) – Reach at 7th, Trip, Lowlight, Scent, Great Tail Damage, Great AC. But for its 30 speed and the common acceptableness of the Wolf, these beasts would put wolves out of the animal companion business. As for feats to take, Improve Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus, Vital Strike. Tripping works well with Flanking, Combat Reflexes and Broken Wings Gambit.

Now Let‘s Talk Equipment. Physical Stat boosting belts and tattoo belts; Amulet of Mighty Fist (Menacing); Vest of Resistance; Greatsword; Longbow Composite; Lance; Rhino Hide for Charging Companions; Wands; Mithral Breastplate for Barbarian

Now Let’s Talk Wands: The perfect wand is one that can be used on you and/or your animal companion and that last for a reasonable amount of time for the benefit it gives.  The share spell ability only allows for you to cast personal spells (from a class that has animal companions) onto your animal companion.  Fortunately, just about all spells are covered because now sorcerers/wizards, druids rangers and clerics have animal companions.  Once you take improve share spell you can share any non-instantaneous spell you cast on yourself with your animal companion (2 for 1) if the animal companion stays within 5ft of you.  Of course, you can always cast a spell onto you animal companion that could otherwise be cast on an animal.

I suggest you consider having the following wands listed below.  Remember that you do not have to by the wands with all fifty charges on them.  Base the number of charges on a wand on how often you will need to use the wand.

  • Attacking1) Ant Haul, Gravity Bow; Lead Blades, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Longstride,
  • Environmental Situations1) Air Bubble; Touch of the Sea, Endure Elements, Reduce Person
  • Protection1) Protection from Evil, Veil of Positive Energy; 2) Resist Energy
  • Healing1) Cure Light Wounds; Restful Sleep, Remove Sickness; 2) Delay Poison
  • Escape / Mobility1) Hide from Undead, Expeditious Retreat; Negate Aroma, Obscuring Mist, Disguise Self, Vocal alteration, 2) Alter Self, Invisibility, Spider Climb, Silence, Levitation, 3) Fly, Gaseous Form, Blink
  • Perception1) Aspect of the Falcon, Residual Tracking, Keen Senses, Detect Poison; 2) Detect Secret Doors, Darkvision, See Invisibility
  • Other 0) Mending; 1) Ant Haul, Alter Winds, Comprehend Language; Share Language; 2) Tongue, Knock; 3) Dispel Magic

See Mad Dog Barbarian Build (Roc Companion)
See Barbarian Guide Compendium

4 Responses to Mad Dog Barbarian Guide

  1. Dave says:

    The Share Spells ability comes with several limitations – not sure how it affects the choice of wands but it definitely limits the use. From the d20pfsrd, Share Spells lets the druid cast a spell with a target of “you” on her animal companion as a ranged touch- even if the spell normally doesn’t work on the animal type. Spells cast this way [from a wand, in our case] must come from the class that grants an animal companion. I believe this limits the type of spells issued from the wand(s) to be from the druid class only given the way the archetype is written. The ranged touch aspect may be great for using a wand of cure light wounds, but other spells that would be useful: Ant Haul (2 hrs), Air Bubble (1 min), Endure Elements (24 hrs), Feather Step (10 minutes), Hide from Animals (10 min), Longstrider (1 hr), Negate Aroma (1 hr). All of these are nice buff but none of them are really in-combat effects – so you could walk up to your war beast and touch them rather than need the long range.

    I believe that the UMD idea is sound, because CHA is not a dump class and it is nice to buff our animal friends, but I would recommend looking at the bodyguard animal archetype instead. It means giving up Share Spells ability in place of Alertness (nice!), Tenacious Guardian (instead of evasion), and Uncanny Dodge (in lieu of multi-attack – not needed for almost any animal companion worth its salt).

  2. Thanks again for looking at the builds Dave.

    Share Spell combined with Improved Share Spell (which admittedly I forgot to suggest above) are a quite deadly combination. First, share spell is not limited to just druid spells any more because other spellcasting classes now have animal companions. I believe the most recent is the sylvan sorcerer. Pretty much all class spells are therefore covered. Second, improved share spell allows you to cast any spell that you cast on yourself and your animal companion at the same time. Further, it does not require the spell to be a personal spell.

    I will add to the guide to make this clear for other readers. Again, thanks for your comments and keep them coming. You are obviously pretty knowledgeable about pathfinder builds.

  3. By the way, I will look into the body guide animal archetype and I agree with you concerning the wands you suggested

  4. Balthier says:

    I was looking at the note of using the Urban Barbarian Archetype to support the UMD stats and got really excited until I realized that you cannot stack these archetypes. They both affect Rage and are therefore incompatible. Just wanted to put that out there for anyone else who checks this otherwise really cool guide out.

Comments and Questions are Appreciated